This week’s Ruby Weekly was sponsored by
AppFog. It sounded interesting so I thought
I would give it a whirl. Their pricing model is interesting - it is
based on how much RAM you use (free if you use less than 2 GB!). Seems
sensible to me since that is what I have usually found to be the
limiting factor for the kinds of sites I run. And I’ll have to say
that their “Jumpstart” setup couldn’t have been easier - two clicks
and a name for the app and I had a Rails app running in the cloud in
well under 2 minutes. Of course all it does is show the “Welcome to
Rails” page we all know and love. So now how do I make this useful?
If I were not a document-reading sort of person, it would have taken
me less time to figure things out. When you are logged in, your AppFog
console page is a list of your apps. Clicking on the app name gets you
to “Mission Control” for the app and one of the tabs on that interface
is “Update Source Code”. That page provides the details about how to
install the ‘af’ command-line tool that were missing from the
AF CLI doc page I had
looked at first. It confirmed my suspicions that ‘af’ was distributed
as a gem (even though all the docs did was link to the GitHub
repository). I will probably want to use this for more than one
project, so I’ll want ‘af’ available in all my gemsets. So I did:
Once past that hurdle, things look better:
OK now for that
documentation on
actually using the tool.
I actually ended up using a combination of methods. I used the
“Download Source Code” button on the web interface to get a copy of
the generated code that is on my running site. I swapped out the
“Welcome to Rails” page for my boring test message and then used ‘af’
to redeploy the new code:
One odd thing, I couldn’t run any ‘af’ commands if I was in the
directory of Rails code I downloaded from AppFog. Any ‘af’ subcommand
I tried errors with:
I think for now I’ll ignore that problem.
Overall, this is vary clean and neat. One thing I already miss just a
little is Heroku’s git-based deploy strategy. Being the version
control junkie I am, there is something so right and satisfying in
deploying with ‘git push heroku master’. So can you use git to deploy to AppFog?
Apparently yes. It is a little more involved - you have to run a
Node.js app that you can use as the url for a git post-receive
hook. That let’s you automatically deploy whenever you push to the
prodution (or whatever) branch.
Heroku also has some very convenient tools for moving data to and from
your production database (using the taps gem). The equivalent thing in
AppFog appears to involve ssh-tunnelling - see this post for details.
So far AppFog is looking promising. For most of what I do Heroke is
amazingly convenient - and it now supports stacks other than Ruby on
Rails. But one thing I noticed listed in the AppFog Jumpstart lists is
Drupal. I am not sure if Heroku supports Drupal or not - but if I need
a Drupal site and need more control than one can get hosting at Drupal
Gardens, AppFog might be an option.
Carrying on from
part1, once
I had everything in place to run my tests, almost all of my functional
tests failed complaining “no method csrf_meta_tags”. Ahh right, I am
not running the stock Rails 2.3.5 gem in production. In February of
2011 the rails team put out a patch for a XSS vulnerability.
I was concerned that some of the changes between Rails 2.3.5 and
2.3.10 might interfere with my connection to my Oracle 8i database. I
was already having to do some monkey patching of the
activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter so I could continue to use it. So
instead of upgrading my gems to Rails 2.3.11, I applied the patch and
then added <%= csrf_meta_tags %> to all of my
layouts. Since the point of what I am doing is to upgrade my gems, for
now I just commented out the offending line in each of my layouts.
OK now that I actually run some functional tests, there are a couple
of other things that are not working properly. On my production (and
usual development) machines, I have ssl configured and my application
uses the ssl-requirement plugin to require my login pages are only
accessible under ssl. I don’t want to set up SSL on this temporary
location, so for now I tweaked the plugin to claim that all protocols
are ‘secure’. Also during a security audit, I was asked to only pass
my user cookie over https to prevent session hijacking. Since I
disabled SSL, then I can never login; so I had to temporarily disable
the secure cookie requirement too. Interestingly a recent Railscast discussed session hihacking
and provided example code basically like what I have.
Mime-type checking
The next set of failures in my functional tests are in tests that
check to see that I can only uplaod specific file types into the image
and documents sections of my CMS. By default my attachement processing
code, which uses attachment_fu, was using the content type provided
during file upload - which largely uses the file extension to
determine file type. To beef that up, I have extended attachment_fu to
use the shared-mime-info ruby gem. It works fine on my production
RHEL5 machine and as far as I can tell I have the same rpm + gem
combination on this test box. But it isn’t working. All of my file
uploads (in tests and from the browser) are getting back nil for the
mime-type. Looking at the code, that implies that the library thinks
it should be able to determine the file type but can’t. This may be
that I am not loading the library correctly in my Gemfile: gem
"shared-mime-info", :require => "shared-mime-info" But I have
already had trouble getting this to work on my collegue’s Leopard Mac
so there is already a work around in place for that. Again, for now I
am going to make this work around trigger all the time and see what
else I need to change to get this app on a supported version of Rails.
“Real” errors
So after ignoring/working around the issues above, are all my tests
and cucumber features passing? Yes! I am getting one warning when I
run my cucumber features. I am being told that I need to update one of
my steps that is reusing other existing steps. I have been using the
original syntax that uses ‘When/Given/Then’. The warning tells me to use
‘step’ instead. I made that change and then moved on.
Rails 2.3.14 on Ruby 1.8.7
So, what happens when I update to the last of the 2.3.x releases -
2.3.14 at this time. I created a new rvm gemset, updated the rails
line in my Gemfile, removed my Gemfile.lock, and did a clean bundle
install. When I first tried to run my app, I got complaints that I did
not have Rails 2.3.5 installed - which was coming from my
config/environment.rb file:
So now let’s run our tests again. They pass, but this time with some
additional deprecation warnings. The first set were complaints about
the preferred location of the tasks directory inside my
plugins. Errors like:
None of the directories that rake was complaining about actually
contained any tasks so the simplest option would seem to be to remove
the offending directories. Or it would be if they were in code I had
written. But all of those plugins were code I was including using git
submodules and pointing directly to the upstream repositories. I
suspect that none of those plugins have been updated in a very long
time. Perhaps the best/easiest option is to just include those plugins
directly in my code. Which plugins do I need to alter: aftflr,
aftimagr, authorization, and mimetype_fu. Of the 4, the only one that
has had any updates is mimetype_fu. Mimetype_fu is used when I have to
work around the lack of shared-mime-info code on the Mac (or on this
test box). For now I think I’ll just include this in my code as is.
Upgrading old software is often painful - but it is especially painful
if you wait for a long time so that there are LOTS of changes between
the old and new. The main thing that had prevented me upgrading before
was a direct connection from my Rails CMS to a legacy Oracle 8i
database. I no longer need to do that, so perhaps it is time to catch
up with modern Rails.
His recommended first step is to get your Rails 2.3 app running using
Bundler to manage your dependencies. The bundler web site has a page
on how to use bundler with Rails 2.3
Seems fairly straightforward so I made the adjustments in the Rails
boot files and moved my “config.gem” lines from the environment files
into a Gemfile. One thing that had been kind of odd in my original
project is that Shoulda, my
favorite testing tool, would only seem to work if I required it
globally, e.g. in config/environment.rb rather than in
config/environments/test.rb. Since I am trying to change only one
thing at a time, I put shoulda in the global part of my Gemfile and
not just in a test section.
Which ruby?
OK so now that I have a Gemfile, which ruby should I try installing it
in. Ruby 1.8.7 has had its last feature release and everyone has moved
on to Ruby 1.9.3, which should be backwards compatible with Rails
2.3.5. Since that is the only ruby I currently have installed in RVM
on my Lion laptop, let’s start with that one. I created a gemset (and
an .rvmrc file) and then did ‘bundle install’. I had to do a little
fiddling with versions, etc. Some things I knew wouldn’t work with the
newer version, for example rails and shoulda. Others I didn’t know but
guessed that if there had been more than a couple of minor version
updates since the versions I am running in production, the new
versions probably wouldn’t work with my older code. So I was fairly
aggressive in specifying exactly which versions to use.
Once I had a promising looking Gemfile and installed gems, I tried
running the rails console - and then one of the stock rake
tasks. Sadly both failed. The script/console error is:
And the rake error is:
The rdoc warning is harmless (though annoying) - the alumni code
running 2.3.14 is running fine despite similar warnings - but the
others are showstopping.
There are some differences between where Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3 will
search for files when you ‘require’ or ‘load’ them. I am not sure if
that is the cause of the problems I had, but I decided that perhaps
upgrading one thing at a time might be the better part of valor. Let’s
try falling back to Ruby 1.8.7.
Ruby 1.8.7
Unfortunately I can’t install ruby 1.8.7 on this Lion laptop - or at
least not without a lot of work:
Trying to install REE gives a similar message about not liking my gcc
compiler. It suggests installing “osx-gcc-installer”.
I don’t love the advice about downgrading Xcode - especially with the
other note about osx-gcc-installer not playing well with Node.js. I am
not currently using Node.js - but I am interested in trying it. So
let’s do this on Linux.
I already have RVM and Ruby 1.8.7p352 installed on the VPS I share
with friends. So I tarred up and moved the code from my Mac to that
server. Altered the .rvmrc to create a gemset for ruby 1.8.7 and rails
2.3.5. I did not have bundler in that ruby so I installed it into the
gemset by hand - and then did “bundle install to get the rest
Looks fine - but I need to configure my database. It is getting
late. Take that up tomorrow.
I hear good things about using Rails Installer
on Windows but thought I should have some first hand experience before
the RailsBridge install fest on Friday. So I fired up the old Windows
XP box in the back room and after installing all the Windows updates,
I got started. I clicked “Download the Kit” and double clicked it to
run. Almost immediately I got a warning about a file that was not
accessible AND a popup window from Semantec AntiVirus. So I launched
the tool and under “Configure” -> “File System Auto-Protect” turned
off the auto-protect while the installer was running.
In the command prompt that was supposed to configure git and ssh, I
seem to already have values. It came up with and
for me - but I am not sure where it got my name and email address. Is
that configured somewhere in Windows? And I should have checked for
ssh keys before I ran the installer. It has a key pair with an older
date - but it isn’t my usual pair. It might be my key pair from when I
was playing with PGP encrypting my mail on ugcs ages ago. But not I
don’t see that pair there so I have my doubts.
The stated versions of things are:
Git 1.7.9.msygit
Ruby 1.9.3p125
Rails 3.2.1
Looks pretty good. Wonder if there would be any problems upgrading the
Rails gems to pick up the security patches.
Rails new works and I can start up Webrick in the usual
way. Semantec asks me if I want to keep blocking "Ruby" and I answered
no - and then I could see the welcome page at http://localhost:3000
Github stuff
The installer creates a task called publickey that copies the
generated public key to your clipboard. On XP it complained about
‘clip’ not being a recognized command - but then worked just fine. I
could paste my new public key into the appropriate place in
Github. I think the path changes that RailsInstaller made only work in
the Command Prompt app. I could push to gethub from the terminal but
NOT from the shell in emacs. In emacs, my pushes just hung and never
timed out or errored. I could Ctr-C out of them - and it always asked
me if I wanted to terminate a batch job. I doubt this will bother any
of our RailsBridge students so I am not going to investigate any further.
The video on the RailsInstaller site discusses deploying on
EngineYard. We are planning to deploy the RailsBridge stuff on free
Heroku instances, but I suspect some of the hints may be of use to
us. EngineYard uses MySQL instead of Postgres but the “add the
database driver for group :production” is the same. The video then
says to run “bundle install –without production” so that version
information about the database driver gets into the Gemfile.lock. THEN
the video told me to edit Gemfile.lock and delete “x86-mingw32” from
the version numbering for mysql2 - and anywhere else I see it. It also
said to add “ruby$” as a line under PLATFORMS (above the “x86-mingw32”
When I was poking around to see what was installed, I found psql in
/usr/bin/psql and I had taken that to mean that I already
had PostgreSQL installed. However, looking at the listening ports and
in the socket directory, I don’t see any evidence of a running
server. Hmmm……
Googling around it appears that the Lion Server may have the full
PostgreSQL server running but my laptop seems to only have the psql
client installed. OK let’s whip out homebrew. There appear to be
formulas for versions 8 and 9 - but the default is now 9 so:
That compiled and installed PostgreSQL 9.1.4. Then I followed the
instructions given at the end of the install:
The initdb had a couple of interesting messages. First, The
files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "cnk".
This user must also own the server process. Ok that isn’t a
problem - on a laptop anyway. And it also warned me that it was
enabling "trust" authentication for local connections.
The notes in /usr/local/var/postgres/pg_hba.conf warn me that local
“trust” authentication means that any local user can connect as any
databases user - including the database superuser. Again more
permissive than I generally am, but probably OK - and certainly
convenient - as long as I am only accepting connections from localhost.
The next useful piece of information from the brew install script was
how to have PostgreSQL start up when I log in:
Homebrew also shows it’s Ruby leanings by helpfully suggesting the
compile flags I may want when installing the pg ruby gem. Since I may
want this available to me in a variety of gemsets, let’s see if I can
just install it in the global gemset for Ruby 1.9.3 (the only Ruby I
have installed at the moment).
OK so now that we are installed and running, let’s log in: